US NRC asks National Academy of Sciences to perform a cancer study around nuclear reactors
April 7, 2010

The NRC announced today that it has asked the NAS to perform a study on cancer risks around nuclear facilities. The study will begin this summer. Citizens' groups have already expressed aggravation that NRC would have control of such health studies since this presents a conflict of interest between NRC's role as both creator and assessor of its own health protection regulations. In their letter, the groups also expressed concern over inadequate study protocols that US government agencies have used in past studies. The division of the NAS slated to conduct this study is the Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board (NRSB) which has as its chair, Richard Meserve, a former NRC Chair. NRSB has planned a public meeting for April 26 (ironically, the day Chernobyl exploded) at the NAS in Washington, DC.  A skeletal agenda has been posted. Beyond Nuclear will post further details as they occur. 

Update on April 16, 2010 by Registered Commenteradmin

The National Academy of Sciences' Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board (NRSB) has posted a more complete agenda for the April 26th meeting. If you are near the Washington, DC area, please try to attend.

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