




Centralized Storage

With the scientifically unsound proposed Yucca Mountain radioactive waste dump now canceled, the danger of "interim" storage threatens. This means that radioactive waste could be "temporarily" parked in open air lots, vulnerable to accident and attack, while a new repository site is sought.


Entries by admin (702)


Justin Trudeau just can’t quit the SNC-Lavalin scandal

As reported by the Washington Post:

Instead of closing the door on the controversy that has dogged his government for months, the Canadian prime minister threw it back open as his top critic said he was threatened with a lawsuit. The critic’s response? Bring it on.

However, not reported is the fact that Montreal-based SNC-Lavalin has partnered with Holtec International to form a leading U.S. nuclear power plant decommissioning consortium. Already, Holtec and SNC-Lavalin have taken over the Oyster Creek nuclear power plant site in New Jersey, including the highly radioactive irradiated nuclear fuel stored on-site there. (Holtec is itself NJ based.)

Holtec hopes to open a CISF (consolidated interim storage facility) in New Mexico, to "temporarily" store Osyter Creek's -- and the rest of the country's -- commercial high-level radioactive wastes there.

Next on SNC-Lavalin and Holtec International's target list is Pilgrim near Boston, scheduled to permanently shut by June 2019. Palisades in MI, and Indian Point in NY, are also in the consortium's sights.

And some of the major federal contracts in Canada mentioned in the article? Those would also include nuclear facility decommissioning and radioactive waste management contracts, worth billions of dollars.


NRC Urges Federal Court to Dismiss Petition on Spent Fuel Storage Ruling - ExchangeMonitor

NRC Urges Federal Court to Dismiss Petition on Spent Fuel Storage Ruling - ExchangeMonitor

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Monday urged a federal appeals court to dismiss an anti-nuclear advocacy group’s motion demanding the agency rule on the legality of two license applications for interim storage of spent nuclear power reactor fuel.
[The article is behind a pay wall, but free trial subscriptions are available.]

AP: Does New Mexico need another radioactive waste site?


NM has already done its share for the nuclear age


Exchange Monitor: U.S. Senators Could Try Again on Spent Nuclear Fuel Consolidated Interim Storage Facility Bill

  • Exchange Monitor - Senators Could Try Again on Spent Fuel Interim Storage Bill - By Exchange Monitor [article is hidden behind pay wall -- only article title, and first few lines of text, are readable without subscription -- although Exchange Monitor sometimes makes temporary free trial subscriptions available]

As posted at the State of Nevada's Agency for Nuclear Projects' "What's News" website section on March 28, 2019 (the 40th annual commemoration of the Three Mile Island Unit 2 meltdown).