





Nuclear Reactors

The nuclear industry is more than 50 years old. Its history is replete with a colossal financial disaster and a multitude of near-misses and catastrophic accidents like Three Mile Island and Chornobyl. Beyond Nuclear works to expose the risks and dangers posed by an aging and deteriorating reactor industry and the unproven designs being proposed for new construction.


Entries by admin (520)


Electronic warfare emerges around Iranian nuke

Iran has charged that an extremely dangerous “foreign-made” computer worm, “Stuxnet”, has infected tens of thousands of its industrial computer systems. According to international computer security experts, the computer worm targets electricity facilities using Siemens control systems including Iran’s nearly operational Bushehr nuclear power plant in what is being called the first case of cyber-sabotage of an industrial system.

The still mutating computer worm is designed to reprogram critical functions however researchers do not yet know what types of systems are targeted or how the sabotage is executed. The Islamic Republic News Agency reports that the virus is not stable and since cleanup efforts began three new versions of the infection have been spreading.

The computer worm is reported to have first been discovered in June when researchers found about 45,000 infected computers in various countries including Indonesia and India. However, leading cyber-security analysts have concluded that a system in Iran was the focus of the attack.  The Washington Post quotes a researcher with the security firm Symantec, “We have never seen anything like this before. It is very dangerous.”  

The controversial Bushehr nuclear power plant which would generate weapons usable plutonium as well as electricity was in the final stages of preparation for operation. Originally of German design and launched under the Shah, Iran’s first commercial nuclear power plant was being completed with the aid of Russia after nearly a quarter century of construction.

The New York Times reports “It is also raising fear of dangerous proliferation. Stuxnet has laid bare significant vulnerabilities in industrial control systems. The program is being examined for clues not only by the world’s computer security companies, but also by intelligence agencies and countless hackers.

“Proliferation is a real problem, and no country is prepared to deal with it,” said Melissa Hathaway, a former United States national cybersecurity coordinator. The widespread availability of the attack techniques revealed by the software has set off alarms among industrial control specialists, she said: “All of these guys are scared to death. We have about 90 days to fix this before some hacker begins using it.”

“The ability of Stuxnet to infiltrate these systems will 'require a complete reassessment' of security systems and processes, starting with federal technology standards and nuclear regulations, said Joe Weiss, a specialist in the security of industrial control systems who is managing partner at Applied Control Solutions in Cupertino, Calif.”


Nuclear Industry and NRC Playing Fast and Loose at VA Reactor Site

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Virginia-based Dominion Nuclear are looking to stretch the rules on the public's due process and civil liberties in their bid to license and build more nuclear reactors in the US.  Dominion had originally applied to NRC for a new reactor construction license in 2007 relying upon the unapproved design of the Economic and Simplified Boiling Water Reactor which was legally confronted by the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League (BREDL) in a federal licensing proceeding. The design proved to be so bogus that Dominion-among others-ditched it. In a dangerous precedent, Dominion now looks to substitute yet another unproven reactor design, the Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor, like it was changing a burned-out lightbulb without restarting the federal licensing process and opening up to new challenges on public safety and environmental consequences for the new design. BREDL is sounding the ALERT on this latest affront to democracy and calling for public action by October 4, 2010 to reopen the federal licensing process.


Floating Chernobyls

They would be floating Chernobyls. Russia has embarked on a scheme of building floating nuclear power plants to be moored off its coasts and sold to nations around the world. The Huffington Post. More here on the risks.


$1 billion to dismantle nuclear power plant

Exelon Corp. announced Monday it has reached agreement on a $1 billion, 10-year project to dismantle the shuttered Zion nuclear power plant. Used nuclear fuel will remain on site indefinitely under the plan. NewsSunOnline.



Nuclear Plant’s Use of River Water Prompts $1.1 Billion Debate With State

Just beneath the wind-stippled surface of the Hudson River here, huge pipes suck enough water into the Indian Point nuclear plant every second to fill three Olympic swimming pools. And each second they take in dozens of organisms making the annual death toll nearly a billion organisms. The New York Times.