




Centralized Storage

With the scientifically unsound proposed Yucca Mountain radioactive waste dump now canceled, the danger of "interim" storage threatens. This means that radioactive waste could be "temporarily" parked in open air lots, vulnerable to accident and attack, while a new repository site is sought.


Entries by admin (702)


House Passes Appropriations Bill with $25 Million for Interim Nuclear Waste Program


Meet the Congressman Defending Questionable Tax Breaks for a Company Connected to His Rich Brother

After multiple issues have surfaced with Holtec International’s New Jersey tax break application, Rep. Donald Norcross, its biggest congressional supporter (and the brother of a Holtec board member) is playing defense.

As reported by ProPublica and WNYC.


Press conference, NRC ASLB oral argument pre-hearings, re: WCS/ISP CISF, July 9-11, Midland TX

Action alert from Karen Hadden, Sustainable Energy & Economic Development (SEED) Coalition [comments within brackets are additions by Kevin Kamps, Beyond Nuclear]:

High-Level Radioactive Waste Hearing – Atomic Safety and Licensing Board [ASLB]

Press conference the day before the hearing -  July 9th at 2 PM, 301 S. Main, Midland, TX  Parking lot by the Ruttle Building. [Inflatable, full-size replica of Legal Weight Truck shipping cask for high-level radioactive waste, will be deployed as a photo op and awareness-raiser/educational opportunity.]

WCS’ [Waste Control Specialists', also known as Interim Storage Partners' (ISP's)] Application to store 40,000 metric tons of the nation’s deadly spent fuel rods from nuclear reactors, 40 years or more. WCS/ISP's scheme is referred to as a consolidated interim storage facility. In truth, it is a de facto permanent surface storage "parking lot" dump.]


Wednesday, July 10th at 9 AM 

Midland County Courthouse 

500 N. Lorraine Street, Midland, Texas 79701 

[As needed, the ASLB oral argument pre-hearings will continue at the same location on Thursday, July 11th. See the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's ASLB's Order, here.]


We need to turn out as many people as we possibly can! A flyer you can print and distribute is [linked here]. 

PLEASE ARRIVE at 8 AM and wear red if you can [as in STOP WCS!].  


Hotels are expensive in Midland, so please make arrangements as soon as possible and share a room if possible. One option is to ask the DoubleTree for the rate for the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board hearing, which is $149, much less expensive than normal rates. Call 432-683-6131 and ask for Courtney if you're interested. This hotel is within walking distance of the Courthouse.

Dallas/ Ft. Worth Folks - please be in touch with Lon Burnam;
Susybelle Gosslee is putting together a group to go to the hearing...
[To be put in touch with Karen, Lon, and/or Susybelle, contact Kevin Kamps at Beyond Nuclear,, 240-462-3216]

Jim Walden went after the mob as a federal prosecutor. Now he’s investigating N.J. tax breaks


Holtec briefs filed in NRC appeal vs. Sierra Club, Beyond Nuclear, DWM et al., Fasken Oil & Gas

On June 28, 2019, Holtec International filed the following briefs, in opposition to appeals filed at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission against its proposed consolidated interim storage facility for irradiated nuclear fuel in New Mexico.

Holtec (with Pillsbury as legal counsel) attempted to rebut the appeals to the NRC Commissioners filed by:

Beyond Nuclear (with Diane Curran and Mindy Goldstein as legal counsel); Don't Waste Michigan et al. (a seven-group coalition, with Terry Lodge as legal counsel); Fasken Oil & Gas (with Bob Eye as legal counsel); and Sierra Club (with Wally Taylor as legal counsel).