




Centralized Storage

With the scientifically unsound proposed Yucca Mountain radioactive waste dump now canceled, the danger of "interim" storage threatens. This means that radioactive waste could be "temporarily" parked in open air lots, vulnerable to accident and attack, while a new repository site is sought.


Entries by admin (702)


SEED Coalition files motion opposing ISP CISF at WCS, TX

On Nov. 25th, the Sustainable Energy and Economic Development (SEED) Coalition has filed a motion in opposition to the Interim Storage Partners (ISP) consolidated interim storage facility (CISF) for irradiated nuclear fuel, targeted at Waste Control Specialists (WCS) in Andrews County, west Texas.

See the motion here, filed by attorney Terry Lodge of Toledo, Ohio on behalf of SEED Coalition.

The SEED Coalition motion came in response to Nov. 18th motions by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff, as well as by ISP's legal team itself, in favor of the de facto permanent, surface storage, "parking lot" dump.


Nuke Farm, New Mexico (Part One), by Nick Maxwell at We the Fourth


Screw Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas?! U.S. House Energy & Commerce Committee approves dangerously bad nuke waste bill


Screw Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas?! U.S. House Energy & Commerce Committee approves dangerously bad nuke waste bill

H.R. 2699, the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2019, was passed by the U.S. House Energy & Commerce Committee on Wed., Nov. 20, by voice vote.
That is, there is no roll call record as to how each U.S. Representative voted.
Voice votes are usually applied only to non-controversial matters, such as naming a post office. This dangerously bad high-level radioactive waste legislation should be among the most controversial bills Congress addresses.
H.R. 2699 aims to open one or more dumps in the Southwest -- so-called consolidated interim storage facilities (CISFs), targeted at New Mexico and/or Texas, as well as a permanent burial dump at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, on Western Shoshone Indian land. If any one of these dumps open, large-scale shipments of high-risk irradiated nuclear fuel, by road, rail, and/or waterway, would travel through most states, past the homes of millions of Americans.
Considering their targeting for the nuke waste dumps, this bill could be called the Screw Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas bill.
But when it comes to the high-risk transportation impacts, we all live in Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas!
See the self-congratulatory press release by the U.S. House Energy & Commerce Committee chairman, Frank Pallone Jr. (Democrat-New Jersey), here.  
What can you do? Contact your U.S. Representative, and urge opposition to this dangerously bad bill, H.R. 2699!
You can also contact both your U.S. Senators. Urge them to oppose H.R. 2699, and its Senate companion bill.
Unlike the last congressional session, the U.S. Senate has already taken up H.R. 2699.
You can also reach your Congress Members' D.C. offices by calling the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.
Please take urgent action, and spread the word!
Learn more about the latest on H.R. 2699, here. And learn more about centralized storage, Yucca Mountain, and waste transportation, at our website.

[Regarding the photo, above right, the rail route shown would be used to transport high-level radioactive waste, past the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., bound for dump-sites out West, if H.R. 2699 becomes law. So not only would Mobile Chernobyls pass by the work place of Members of Congress, they would also pass through the congressional districts of 75% of the members of the U.S. House of Representatives, in the context of those bound for Western Shoshone Indian land at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. (Shipments bound for CISFs in NM and/or TX would follow similar to identical routes, especially that far east of the Southwestern U.S.) That is, Mobile Chernobyls would pass through 330 of 435 U.S. Reps.' districts, bound for Yucca Mountain, as documented by the State of Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects. See the 2017 documents below:

2017 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


NUCLEAR WASTE: Panel approves Yucca bill with bipartisan support

As reported by E&E. (The full article is behind a pay wall, but free trial subscriptions are available.)

The article reports:

The Energy and Commerce Committee approved a bipartisan bill yesterday afternoon that would attempt to break the nation's nuclear waste disposal logjam through a two-tiered approach that involves the controversial Yucca Mountain site in Nevada.

...Among the committee members no longer backing the bill, Rep. Doris Matsui (D- Calif.), who co-sponsored the proposal last year, warned the path for the legislation this year would be vastly different than previous votes.

"The Yucca Mountain project has been stalled for years," Matsui said. "I do not see the point of advancing a bill that faces obvious and possibly endless obstacles before it can be finalized."

Matsui offered and withdrew a substitute amendment to enter her nuclear waste bill, H.R. 3136, to authorize interim storage without the Yucca language.

Those sentiments were also echoed by Rep. Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.), who voted against the bill for fear that a proposed interim site in his state — opposed by him and New Mexico's governor — could turn into a de facto long-term storage site without a workable permanent disposal site.

"This is not an interim storage bill, this is a permanent storage bill," Luján said.


U.S. House Energy & Commerce Committee passes H.R. 2699 by voice vote

H.R. 2699, the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2019, was passed by the U.S. House Energy & Commerce Committee on Wed., Nov. 20, by voice vote. That is, there is no roll call record as to how each U.S. Representative voted. Voice votes are usually applied only to non-controversial matters, such as naming a post office.

This dangerously bad high-level radioactive waste legislation should be among the most controversial bills Congress addresses. H.R. 2699 aims to open one or more dumps in the Southwest -- so-called consolidated interim storage facilities (CISFs), targeted at New Mexico and/or Texas, as well as a permanent burial dump at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, on Western Shoshone Indian land. If any one of these dumps open, large-scale shipments of high-risk irradiated nuclear fuel, by road, rail, and/or waterway, would travel through most states, past the homes of millions of Americans.

Considering their targeting for the nuke waste dumps, this bill could be called the Screw Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas bill. (The 1987 amendments to the 1982 Nuclear Waste Policy Act, which singled out Nevada for the country's nuke waste dump, was most commonly dubbed the Screw Nevada bill.) But when it comes to the high-risk transportation impacts, we all live in Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas!

See the self-congratulatory press release by the U.S. House Energy & Commerce Committee chairman, Frank Pallone Jr. (Democrat-New Jersey), here.

H.R. 2699 is sponsored by CA Democrat Jerry McNerney. A co-sponsor is John Shimkus (Republican-IL), who sponsored very similar legislation, H.R. 3053, the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2018, in the last congressional session. (H.R. 3053 passed the U.S. House on May 10, 2018, but was never taken up by the U.S. Senate.) There are currently 25 co-sponsors of H.R. 2699. See them listed here.

Note that an amendment was also passed by voice vote, that "conveys the Sense of Congress that neither the United States nor Canada should allow permanent or long-term storage of spent nuclear fuel or other radioactive waste near the Great Lakes." The amendment was introduced by two Michigan U.S. Representatives, Debbie Dingell (Democrat) and Fred Upton (Republican).

While this amendment appears reasonable on its face, it is also hypocritical. It only addresses the permanent or long term storage of irradiated nuclear fuel near the Great Lakes, but makes no mention of its generation there in the first place. In fact, both Dingell and Upton are long time proponents of atomic reactors on the Great Lakes shoreline. Upton has not had his constituents' backs regarding high-risk dry cask storage at Palisades in southwest Michigan, which began 26 years ago.

Beyond Nuclear, and 25 allied organizations from the U.S. and Canada, called out Dingell's and Upton's hypocrisy in an open letter sent to Great Lakes members of the U.S. Congress, during earlier consideration of very similar legislation (H.R. 3053, the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2017 and 2018, during the last congressional session). See the Dec. 20, 2017 coalition letter here; see the Jan. 4, 2018 press release here.

What can you do? Contact your U.S. Representative, and urge opposition to this dangerously bad bill, H.R. 2699!

You can also contact both your U.S. Senators. Urge them to oppose H.R. 2699, and its Senate companion bill. Unlike the last congressional session, the U.S. Senate has already taken up H.R. 2699. The Senate has not assigned a bill number for the legislation, but on May 1, 2019, S._______, a Discussion Draft of the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2019, was taken up by the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee's chairman, John Barrasso (Republican-WY).

(See Senate side update, posted below.)

You can also reach your Congress Members' D.C. offices by calling the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.