






Canada is the world's largest exporter of uranium and operates nuclear reactors including on the Great Lakes. Attempts are underway to introduce nuclear power to the province of Alberta and to use nuclear reactors to power oil extraction from the tar sands.


Entries by admin (358)


U.S. Sen. Stabenow: Stopping nuclear waste storage at the Great Lakes

Statement by U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow, Democrat of Michigan:

Last week, Michigan got some good news when Canada put an end to its proposal to store low-level nuclear waste near Lake Huron. I don’t have to tell you how devastating a nuclear waste accident would be to the Great Lakes.

For years, I've led a bipartisan effort opposing this waste storage proposal. I have met with top Canadian officials, and we were successful in postponing their decision for a number of years as they reconsidered their options. So I am relieved that we were able to stop this proposal.

But unfortunately the fight to stop nuclear waste storage near the Great Lakes isn't over. Canada recently announced it would consider yet another repository to store even more dangerous, high-level nuclear waste in an area near Lake Huron.

So our fight to protect our Great Lakes must continue.

That's why I recently introduced a bipartisan resolution opposing any placement of a permanent nuclear waste storage site near the shared Great Lakes Basin.

Stopping these storage proposals is the right thing to do for both for the people of Michigan and Canada. Over 40 million people get their drinking water from our Great Lakes. They are also a major part of our economy and our way of life. Storing nuclear waste near our shores isn’t worth even the smallest of risks.

I know that you and your family will continue to join me in protecting our Great Lakes from the risks posed by these dangerous proposals. I am grateful for your support.




OPG to explore alternatives following no vote on nuclear waste disposal site


Nuclear waste proposal along Lake Huron defeated


MI State Rep. Hernandez: Canadian firm backs off nuclear waste storage site, but we must remain vigilant to protect Great Lakes


Rep. Hernandez: Canadian firm backs off nuclear waste storage site, but we must remain vigilant to protect Great Lakes

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