




The Renewable Energy Renaissance

The real Renaissance is in renewable energy whose sources could meet 25% of the nation's energy needs by 2025. Renewable technologies can help restore political and economic stability as well as save money…and the planet.


Entries by admin (194)


Solar energy after sunset

New research shows solar energy can be generated even when the sun is not shining. A Las Vegas Sun article describes how Nevada hopes to be the first to launch it. Photo of Solar Two in Barstow, CA courtesy of Nevada Renewable Energy Laboratory.


A boy, a dream and a wind turbine

An encouraging story from Malawi shows that a determined individual can make a difference, even one windmill at a time. As a teenager, William Kamkwamba was determined to find a way out of poverty for his village. Today it is powered by three wind turbines, William has a best-selling autobiography - The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind - and he has been recognized around the world including by Al Gore.


U.S. Joins International Renewable Energy Agency

The United States has now joined IRENA, along with 21 other new member countries, bringing the total membership to 136 countries. 


International Sustainable Energy Agency (IRENA) Launches 

IRENA was launched on January 18, 2009 with 75 signatory nations. The U.S., Canada and Australia were the notable absentees although the Obama administration sent a delegate from its Berlin embassy. 

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