





Animals are affected by the operation of nuclear power -- but are the most ignored of all the nuclear industry's victims. Whether sucked into reactor intake systems, or pulverized at the discharge, aquatic animals and their habitats are routinely harmed and destroyed by the routine operation of reactors. In addition, animals are forced to remain in highly radioactive areas after a nuclear disaster, such as around Chernobyl and Fukushima. Some of our latest stories about animals can be found on our newest platform, Beyond Nuclear International. And for more about how routine reactor operations harms marine wildlife, see our Licensed to Kill page


Entries by admin (106)


Billions of fish killed by reactor operation

A new report from a British researcher has found that fish are killed in their billions as a result of the operation of coastal nuclear reactors. These findings, by Dr. Peter Henderson at Oxford University, confirm those in our report of 2001 (see Licensed to Kill, below.) The British report described the effect on fish of nuclear reactor intake systems that can draw in a million gallons of water a minute plus the sea life living there. However, fish and other aquatic species - both fresh- and sea-water, are also negatively affected by the thermal discharges from reactors, particularly when the utility abruptly raises the temperatures of the discharge water, thermally shocking animals living in the vicinity. Such an incident occurred in August 2007 at the Braidwood Generating Station in Illinois where thousands of fish were killed, recorded in these dramatic photos.

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