Centralized Storage
With the scientifically unsound proposed Yucca Mountain radioactive waste dump now canceled, the danger of "interim" storage threatens. This means that radioactive waste could be "temporarily" parked in open air lots, vulnerable to accident and attack, while a new repository site is sought.
Entries by admin (702)
Water, Air and Land: A Sacred Trust
"Water, Air, and Land: A Sacred Trust," map of New Mexico's nuclear, fossil fuel, and other hazardous sites, created by Deborah Reade, Santa Fe, NM, 2017-2021.
MEDIA ADVISORY -- U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION LICENSING DECISION COMING SOON: Texas High-Level Radioactive Waste "Interim Storage" Would Hold Nearly Half the Nation's Commercial Irradiated Nuclear Fuel; High-Risk Train, Truck, and/or Barge Shipments Would Pass Through Most States
Texas High-Level Radioactive Waste "Interim Storage" Would Hold Nearly Half the Nation's Commercial Irradiated Nuclear Fuel; High-Risk Train, Truck, and/or Barge Shipments Would Pass Through Most States |
ANDREWS, TX, July 26, 2021--The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) may complete a Safety Analysis and the Final Environmental Impact Statement by the end of this month for an application to store deadly nuclear reactor waste in Texas. Despite strong local, state and national opposition, the NRC could license the facility within the following 30 days. Governor Abbott has expressed strong opposition to high-level radioactive waste storage. (Governor's letter) Resolutions opposing the dangerous plans have been passed by 5 Texas Counties and 3 cities, representing 5.4 million Texans. (Dallas County Resolution) In Texas, South Texas Project (STP) 3 & 4 nuclear reactor units were licensed, but were never built. Opponents claimed that nuclear construction costs would be too high, especially with wind and solar energy becoming readily available and increasingly affordable. These turned out to be key factors in the cancellation of that project. Diane D’Arrigo, Nuclear Information & Resource Service (NIRS), 202-841-8588, dianed@nirs.org Kevin Kamps, Beyond Nuclear, 240-462-4216, kevin@beyondnuclear.org
Monica Perales, 956-235-3417, Monicap@forl.com Tommy Taylor, 432-556-2228, Tommyt@forl.com -30- |
Beyond Nuclear is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit membership organization. Beyond Nuclear aims to educate and activate the public about the connections between nuclear power and nuclear weapons and the need to abolish both to safeguard our future. Beyond Nuclear advocates for an energy future that is sustainable, benign and democratic. The Beyond Nuclear team works with diverse partners and allies to provide the public, government officials, and the media with the critical information necessary to move humanity toward a world beyond nuclear. Beyond Nuclear: 7304 Carroll Avenue, #182, Takoma Park, MD 20912. Info@beyondnuclear.org. www.beyondnuclear.org. |
Officials oppose nuclear waste storage
Andrews commissioners will sign resolution Tuesday opposing the high-level storage
As reported by Caitlin Randle at the Midland Reporter-Telegram.