"Nuclear power is counterproductive to efforts to address climate change effectively and in time"
June 25, 2011

Scientific American has re-posted E-The Environmental Magazine's Earth Talk blog post entitled "As the World Reconsiders Nuclear Energy, the U.S. Remains Committed to Its Expansion," which quotes Beyond Nuclear and our board member Karl Grossman. The post reports:

"...According to investigative journalist Karl Grossman, Obama changed his tune on nuclear as soon as he took office, “talking about ‘safe, clean nuclear power’ and push[ing] for multi-billion dollar taxpayer subsidies for the construction of new nuclear plants.” Right away, Grossman says, Obama brought in nuclear advocate Steven Chu as energy secretary, and two White House aides that had been “deeply involved with…the utility operating more nuclear power plants than any other in the U.S., Exelon.”

...But just because nuclear energy isn’t a fossil fuel doesn’t make it green, given the ongoing risk of radioactivity. Also, reports the non-profit Beyond Nuclear, “Nuclear power is counterproductive to efforts to address climate change effectively and in time…funding diverted to new nuclear power plants deprives real climate change solutions, like solar, wind and geothermal energy, of essential resources.”

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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