Don't Waste MI, et al., press release: Public Interest Groups Denied Hearing on Holtec International’s Nuclear Waste Dump in New Mexico
May 7, 2019

For Immediate Release:  Tuesday, May 7, 2019  

Contact:  Michael J. Keegan, Don't Waste Michigan (734) 770-1441, email                                                                         Terry J. Lodge, Attorney (419) 205-7084,  email 

Public Interest Groups Denied Hearing on Holtec International’s Nuclear Waste Dump in New Mexico

Washington D.C. - -  On Tuesday the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Atomic Safety and Licensing Board summarily terminated Public Intervenors' requests for an evidentiary hearing challenging Holtec International’s proposed concentrated high level nuclear waste dump in southeastern New Mexico. 

 "No less than Rick Perry, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy, admitted a few weeks ago to a congressional committee that there is a distinct possibility that 'interim storage' sites like Holtec could become permanent, de facto spent nuclear fuel repositories for hundreds of years or even forever. Holtec would have none of the safeguards and protections that were considered during the Yucca Mountain proceeding. If Holtec is allowed to build, there is a grave possibility that New Mexico will become the loser for all ages" stated attorney Terry J. Lodge.

"The license application to construct and operate a 'consolidated interim storage facility' for spent nuclear fuel in New Mexico is a blatant violation of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act (NWPA 1982, Amended 1987).  The entire application is contingent on the Department of Energy taking title to the spent nuclear fuel, this is forbidden by current law, unless it is a Permanent Repository.  Concealed from the Public is the true intent of Holtec International to store high level nuclear waste for 300 years.  This proposal is Permanent high level nuclear waste dump and is again, a blatant violation of NWPA" stated Michael J. Keegan, Intervenor with Don't Waste Michigan.

"Disregard for the current NWPA law by proceeding as if it does not exist is not acceptable.  This railroad of a ruling by the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel will be appealed to the NRC Commission as prescribed by the Administrative Procedures Act (APA).   Once these remedies have been exhausted appeal to federal courts is then in order" stated Intervenor Michael J. Keegan.

" The Atomic Safety Licensing Board has summarily terminated Public Interest by gas lighting  the largest concentration of high level nuclear waste on Earth"  added Keegan.

Over 200 million U.S. Citizens living along transportation routes will be placed in peril.   These Mobile Chernobyls are fast tracked to take to the rail, roads, and waterways.   The Coalition insists that this railroad of a ruling is a process tainted from the onset,  and that this Kabuki Dance will be challenged in federal court.   The Coalition does not Consent.

Holtec, a vendor of dry cask storage systems, has proposed to store spent nuclear fuel from the nation’s commercial nuclear power plants at a facility in Lea County, in the southeastern corner of New Mexico.

Separate hearing petitions were filed by Beyond Nuclear, Sierra Club, Don't Waste Michigan et al, Alliance for Environmental Strategies, all in behalf of the public interest.  The Don't Waste Michigan (MI) et al is a Coalition of seven groups including Citizens for Alternatives to Chemical Contamination (MI), Citizens' Environmental Coalition (NY), San Luis Obispo Mother's for Peace (CA), Nuclear Energy Information Service (IL), Public Citizen (TX), Nuclear Issues Study Group (NM).  Those Motions and Contentions can be found at these links:  ML18257A333    ML19017A347 ML19049A023   ML19056A000 .   The ASLB Ruling / Memorandum and Order can be found here: ML19127A026

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Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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