Holtec So-called “interim” Nuke Waste Dump in NM? Legal, Activist Pushback w/Attny Terry Lodge (NH #381)
October 10, 2018
CLICK HERE for this week's episode, #381
Featured Interview:

Holtec, the company trying to own nuclear waste and all its attendant monies, has a ferocious opponent in Terry Lodge.  He is an Ohio trial lawyer who has represented many clients in civil rights, civil liberties, and environmental cases. An advocate for the public interest in energy policy issues who has litigated nuclear power safety and environmental issues for 40 years, Lodge has also represented opponents of nuclear weapons and mountaintop removal mining.

Be well, stay safe, get active,
Libbe HaLevy
Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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